New construction for the OakPark plan calls for six new classrooms and a large Media Center. Renovation of the existing Administrative, Gym and Support services is more economical than building a new building for these functions. There has been completed in 2007 the replacement of the Gym roof and wall for a project savings of $174,000. The Slam plan called for new construction of increased sized areas for Administration, Health Services, Art, Gym, Kitchen and Special Education, but only three new classrooms. This would cost $2,678,000 more than renovating and modifying these areas. The 1920 building would continue to house three classrooms that would be created from four old classrooms.
The OakPark proposal for the 1920’s building adds a new electrical service, air conditioning, windows, sprinklers and re-furbishing, while Slam would renovate to new the whole building. This would include $670,000 for the three classrooms and $762,000 for the basement. Moving interior walls to change room sizes is very costly.
Site costs are lower for OakPark mainly because there is no demolition and carting away cost. The Slam excavation cost is significantly higher for the large addition that includes massive removal of the hillside behind the school and the building of a retaining wall for over $160,000. There is also no cost for a new road in the OakPark plan. The Slam plan put the playground equipment budgeted at $100,000 in the front of the school. This is a significant safety issue with the parents.
OakPark provided $235,000 for furniture and equipment while Slam had $271,000. The Architect/Engineering fee for Slam is $258,000 higher because of the higher projected costs. Computers are not included in the OakPark plan since the District has a replacement plan in effect for them. There appears to be a list of items in the Slam plan that may be over budgeted under soft costs.
The escalation amount for Slam is 6% for two years at the higher project cost while the OakPark escalation is 8% for one year at the lower project cost and the accelerated time line for completion of the project. Since the construction bids become fixed after the first year, the Slam escalation amount is overstated by $689,000 for the second year.
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