Monday, March 5, 2007

Consolidated Supporter E mails-Unsure about Site

Roxbury Site May be Unsuitable

There were are approximately a dozen emails between supporters of a consolidated school and
Irene Allen (Chairperson, Region 12 BOE)

Gary Lord (Roxbury Board of Finance, "Private Citizen" and professionally involved in the land purchase as Agent by email)

Wayne Piskura (Roxbury Board of Finance, "Private Citizen", Owner of Tierney Realty and professionally involved in the land purchase as Broker by email)

Richard Carmelich (Ex-Superintendent Region 12) among others.
These emails are regarding the BOE chosen site for a consolidated school on Route 199 & Waklee Rd. It appears even the supporters are
unsure of the reasonability of this site.

1. An email from Irene Allen to Kemp Morhardt of S.L.A.M. is cause for concern.
" Heads up on the Roxbury property. As far as I know, it's the bow and arrow season now and rifle season comes soon. Mention to your people to keep an eye out & make noise".

It appears we may have to send our children to school in red coats and air horns at this time of year.

2. Another email that disturbs me is the one to Irene Allen from Wayne Piskura:
"I was very disappointed with the limitations of the site. I think it gives a lot of fodder to our opponents...."

3. An Email from Wayne Piskura to Gary Lord:
" I'm very concerned about the public perception on this. I'm still standing but my knees are weak".

4. An Email from Wayne Piskura to Gary Lord:
"...the 4-1/2 acres is smaller than Booth. True and not true...".
Even if it were a little more than Booth, we are talking about 400+ students on a site not much larger than Booth Free School, which is by BOE standards too small for 130+/

It Sounds like fuzzy math.

5. Gary Lord to Irene Allen and Kevin Herrick from S.L.A.M.
"...just to make you aware of his outlook regarding the 4.5 usable acreage concept. Hopefully we can somehow make it sound better".

It sounds desperate.

If I were considering moving from my present residence to build a home (school) on a site with this many limitations, I would sensibly reconsider. From what I read this just does not seem to be the right site for our needs.

It would seem to me that using our current school sites is the right thing to do.

From several Roxbury residents at February BOF meeting.


Wayne Piskura said...

Wow, your blog is certainly full of inaccuracies! But one in particular I want to correct. I am a broker, and owner of Tierney Realty. I am not, as you well know, the broker for the Mundy land. Please correct your site. You would be better served to make your argument on its merits and not by smear campaign.

Wayne Piskura said...

Wayne Piskura (Roxbury Board of Finance, "Private Citizen", Owner of Tierney Realty and professionally involved in the land purchase as Broker by email)
As I noted before, this is untrue and you know it. I notice that you have changed your format so that comments are not in view.
Very democratic of you.
Anyone interested in reasoned arguments supported by facts should go to R12SESA.ORG. You will see that there is no attempt to discredit those who disagree. Unlike this site.
Hmmm how do you spell libel?